Ngu industries trainer
Ngu industries trainer

ngu industries trainer

Review evaluations from previous courses with the group to un- derstand some major concerns and highlights of previous courses.Videotape some practice sessions, and let facilitators review their own performances.

ngu industries trainer

PAGE 178 10916$ $CH9 10-21-04 08:01:02 PS 179Professional Development for Trainers and Facilitators

  • Debrief each facilitator in private about his or her facilitator style and technique.
  • Be constructive in debriefing facilitators about delivery glitches.
  • Allow them enough time to prepare the lesson plans and to rehearse.
  • Assign facilitators to deliver individual sections to the group after a comprehensive review of the manual.
  • Conduct all role plays and exercises so that facilitators appreciate the impact these will have on trainees.

    Review the manual and the lessons in digestible chunks, and de- brief facilitators after each section.Discuss the group’s experiences as trainees (best and worst experi- ences) as an aid to understanding the trainees’ perspectives.Review the key teaching principles and anticipated outcomes infor- mally with participants before walking them through the manual.✓ Use well-marked dividers for each separate lesson or exercise. ✓ Use different colors to delineate the facilitator’s role and the par- ticipants’ activities. ✓ Lay out the manual as attractively as possible, and use bold type so that the facilitator can see it easily at a comfortable distance. ✓ Include information and background data that will help facilita- tors deal with some potentially difficult teaching principles. Make the list as comprehensive as possible. ✓ Include suggested responses for all exercises. ✓ Integrate copies of overheads and handouts as they occur during the session, so that users do not need to flip back and forth in the manual. Leave the left-hand side blank for notes. ✓ Use only the right-hand side of the manual for printed informa- tion. In order to make the facilitator’s guide user friendly: ✓ Use symbols to denote flip chart, overhead, PowerPoint, and hand- outs as they occur in the session.A facilitator’s binder should contain: ✓ Complete participant’s manual ✓ Comprehensive facilitator notes ✓ Guidelines and articles about effective facilitation techniques PAGE 16$ $CH9 10-21-04 08:01:01 PS 178 Developing Trainers and Facilitators ✓ Complete set of overheads ✓ Complete set of handouts ✓ Copies of videos used during the training session ✓ Evaluation form used for the course.Consider other related experience, such as sales presentations, community relations, and experience in chairing meetings.

    ngu industries trainer

    Do not rule out nominees with no previous training experience.It is better to disappoint one potential trainer than to disappoint trainees whose learning was compromised by a poor facilitator. Interview potential trainers to get a sense of their style and commit- ment to the project.Seek nominations from managers about staff who: ✓ Have experience in presenting to groups ✓ Have some knowledge in the subject area ✓ Are regarded as champions.Conducting the session Selecting Participants There are three important responsibilities for train-the-trainer sessions: 1. You enter by yourself.’’ -chinese proverb W hether you are an external training provider or an in-house training professional, from time to time, you may train others in the delivery of a training session in order to increase the pool of available trainers for key programs. Train-the-Trainer Sessions ‘‘Teachers open the door.

    Ngu industries trainer